Change the rules of job search

Let’s face it, we job searchers have a heck of a challenge on our hands.  With unemployment rates at near all-time highs, it’s easy to have your resume get lost in a sea of applications.  If you can’t win the game, change the rules.  Think of ways to get noticed.  Put aside the traditional approach of applying to jobs on line, and sit down and list five unique ways to find the perfect job.  Here’s an example of an experience I had last week.  A local prominent University holds an annual business plan contest every year and awards $100,000 to the winning team.  When the winning team/company was announced on Twitter, I sent the COO an introductory e-mail of congratulations and a request for coffee and a chat about the company.  I’m meeting with the COO later this morning.  Think way outside the box and get noticed!

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